Behind the Scenes of Red Carpet

Posted By: Sue Parr, IOM, GCCE The 706,

With the famous Red Carpet tent coming down this week, the Chamber would be remiss if we did not highlight both the importance and magnitude this program has on the Georgia economy and the vast numbers of sponsors and volunteers who make it all happen.  The itinerary this year for guests included dinner at the Governor’s mansion, two trips to the Masters and a day spent in Atlanta learning about the continuing growth and innovation of our capitol city.  Partnering with many organizations and leaders that invest in Red Carpet’s investment attraction mission is a testament to the value guests see on the Tour.  They quickly realize that companies across Georgia are the best spokespersons to talk about doing business in Georgia with states agencies and political leadership emphasizing the same message.  Our thanks go to organizations such as the Augusta National Golf Club, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, our local economic development authorities and dozens of local businesses who help support the needs of our hospitality and our guests.  And, a special thanks to the volunteers who dedicate themselves year after year to the hard work and long work of our hospitality management and operation.  To all of our sponsors, partners, volunteers and the Chamber staff, thank you for another great year.