Tips for businesses to be most effective while remaining operational

Achieving More Together,

Businesses currently fall into three (3) categories:

  1. Businesses that must cease-in-person operations and close to the public.
  2. Businesses that fall into the category of “critical infrastructure” as determined by CISA. (These may continue operations with a strong suggestion that they implement measures that mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19 among its workforce and must follow certain requirements.)
  3. Other businesses, not required to close by the executive order, and not considered “non-critical infrastructure” may continue their work to perform “minimum basic operations.”


Visit for guidance on self-determination on whether your business is “critical infrastructure” and how best to proceed. See below for resources and tips about how to be most effective while remaining operational.

If you were unable to attend yesterday's webinar on 'Understanding Georgia's Executive Order: Essential & Non-Essential Business', please click the link below for a full recording.

Understanding Georgia's Executive Order: Essential & Non-Essential Business