All About the Mission - July 12

Posted By: Sue Parr, IOM, GCCE All About the Mission,

A long-valued feature of Cornerstone membership in the Chamber has been the opportunity to participate in our Cornerstone Board Meetings held 4 times per year.  These meetings offer insight about the Chamber’s current priorities and the opportunity for high level investors to critique initiatives, provide feedback and discuss their current business needs.    Cornerstone members attending these meetings also have an opportunity to network with other businesses in the community committed to the same goals.


So, why do over 250 members of the Chamber choose to invest at a Cornerstone level?  They do so for a variety of reasons but most importantly, they want to be an active participant in the growth and success of the region.  They want to stay in touch with policy and activities that advocate for the region; efforts to build capacity whether that is focused on education, transportation or quality of life amenities and understand the nuances of community strategies driving the future or even holding us back.


Cornerstone members are the who’s who of distinguished and respected businesses in our community that understand the continued success of their business is based on organizations like the Chamber to serve as a solution convener, facilitator and advocate to address our most pressing needs as well as draw attention to our most under leveraged opportunities.

To each of our Cornerstone members, we say thank you!  You are the fuel that drives the mission.