Greater Augusta Day 2024 Recap

Posted By: Sue Parr, IOM, GCCE The 706,

Nearly 50 community leaders from both the private and public sectors spent the day in Atlanta learning more about the issues critical to our region and the issues most on the minds of legislators.  The day began with a panel on the proposed changes to the film tax credit where the budgets and criteria of film productions, especially outside of Atlanta, are still under debate.  The Augusta Region has been very successful in the recruitment of movie production and its economic impact on the community and the tax credit incentive plays an important role.  The group also heard from Chancellor Sonny Perdue, GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson, DCA Commissioner Chris Nunn, Department of Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper, GDoT Chief Engineer Meg Pirkle and a panel to discuss judicial reforms for premise liability and other challenges faced by the business community in the courts.  The day concluded with a dinner in honor of the region’s delegation members and a tribute to outgoing Representative Jodi Lott with the presentation of an appreciation plaque for her time in the Georgia General Assembly.  The sponsoring chambers would like to thank all of the members of the delegation for their leadership and service to our region and for making Greater Augusta Day a special time during the session.