Chamber President to judge ATDC Startup Bootcamp

News Releases,

When: Wednesday, December 13, 5 PM - 7 PM

Where: located at 540 Telfair Street

What: The Fall 2017 cohort of ATDC 's Startup Bootcamp will celebrate the completion of an 8-week program with a pitch competition at the on Wednesday, December 13 from 5:00-7:00 pm. Along with Sue Parr, President/CEO of the Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce, notable judges include Richard Franza, Dean at Augusta University's Hull College of Business, Augusta Commissioner Sean Frantom, and Alex Wier, Creative Director at Wier / Stewart.

A cash prize of $500, courtesy of Email Industries, will be awarded to a single winner. The winner will also receive a free one-year membership to the Augusta Metro Chamber as well as complimentary tuition in the Chamber’s Small Business Marketing Academy, a $500 value.

Past and current participants in ATDC's bootcamp, including Skyraider Aeronautics and Upliff, will be on hand at the event to discuss their entrepreneurial ventures. Dr. Gordon Jones, Cofounder of Universal Health Coin, will emcee this fun-filled evening. Great food, craft beer and wine will be served 

For more information and to RSVP, visit the calendar page on website (